
have been breeding for over 30 years and have the top winning dogs of rare colors in the breed. Only 2 times in the history of the breed has an isabella won our national specialty and both are mine. I also have the only lilac champions.

A cream dilute should have a light lavendar mouth and tongue color. I have more cream dilute champions than any other breeder. so a cream dilute has no black pigment anywhere on the body- foot pads, nose, etc.
They do have a pinkish face but a light purple tongue. A cream(light the one we spoke about) will have a dark nose and points. My creams from the blue lines have dark blue points.
An isabella is a light color(some are darker than others) but has no yellow to the coat - more of a taupe or Khaki color. They can be dilute or have pigment.

It is hard to explain but often the colors are shaded on puppies. This will sound really strange, but if the head and legs are the same color and the body is somewhat different 

whether it is lighter or darker the adult color is usually the color of the head and legs.
Last updated on 11/14/2010
Owner: Monica Chang
"Photo by Bruce G. Holcomb. Our family was searching for a pet quality Shar-Pei and found our perfect little guy at Baggins Kennels! Aesthetically he was beautiful, his blue-green eyes gorgeous, his apricot coat soft with lots of wrinkles…but most impressive to us was his temperament. Such a loving, sweet puppy, very smart and bonded immediately to our family. He became housebroken quickly learning how to ring his bell to go outside by 9 weeks. His eagerness and ability to learn commands is amazing and understands 6 hand signals at 3 months old. He’s full of love and is the love of our lives! We couldn’t be happier with Baggins Kennels that they offer such high quality Shar-Peis. They seem to breed for temperament, health and intelligence whether you’re looking for show or pet quality. It’s tempting to add another to our family!"

Ready for your Baggins Puppy? Call Linda at 817-829-2454

©2010 Baggins Shar-Pei Kennel, Arlington, TX