Care and Feeding

I have been caring for these wonderful animals for more than 30 years, now. I have learned a lot about how to keep them happy and healthy, even with limited time on your hands.

I recommend that all owners have a good understanding of routine care, healthy diet and common medical conditions. These vary from breed to breed and sometimes even between lines within a breed. My recommendations and experience are specific to Shar-Pei from the Baggins bloodline, but most will apply to Shar-Pei in general. The biggest difference will probably be in the medical area, where I have taken great pains to breed out genetic conditions that are more common in the general Shar-Pei population.

Obedience training is not strictly necessary, but rather a personal choice that may improve your relationship and communication with your Shar-Pei.

Last updated on 11/14/2010
Owner: Heather Pace
"You really have the best tempered puppies. Sweet Pea and Kokanee both have amazing personalities and give so much love."

Ready for your Baggins Puppy? Call Linda at 817-829-2454

©2010 Baggins Shar-Pei Kennel, Arlington, TX