Shar Pei Stud Dogs

My stud service fee will range from $800 to $1,200. I have champions in many colors. In some circumstances I will take pick of litter for payment: it depends on the bloodline and examination of the female to be bred. I do not accept every female for breeding.

A female would need to be current on all shots, be parasite free (internal and external) and have a good temperament. If she is to be bred naturally she would need to be negative on a brucellosis test. If she is to be bred by fresh chilled semen the brucellosis would not be necessary. I can ship the semen to your vet. She would need to not have any disqualifications as described in the Shar-Pei breed standard.
Last updated on 11/14/2010
Owner: Michael and Linda Burbank

Ready for your Baggins Puppy? Call Linda at 817-829-2454

©2010 Baggins Shar-Pei Kennel, Arlington, TX