Buy Shar Pei Puppies

A typical Baggins Shar-Pei puppy:

  • Distinguished Baggins bloodline
  • Great Health
  • Heavy Wrinkling
  • Gentle Disposition
  • Very Smart
  • Very Clean
  • Very Addictive
  • 3 to 8 Months Old
  • House Trained
  • Fully Vaccinated
  • Well Muscled and Developed
  • Great with children of all ages
  • The ultimate family dog
  • Large head with an extremely padded muzzle, stocky and quite wrinkled.
  • Comes with the Baggins Guarantee

Each breeding I do is for the show ring, so in order to try and select the best puppy for show I like them to be 3-8 months old. This is very different for those that are just breeding puppies to sell them. It takes a lot more work and cost to do this but it is worth the effort for me and the new owner.

These puppies are now using a dog door so even if you decide on one of the younger ones they are housetrained already.

I let my puppies run all they want to build muscle and develop.

My puppies are usually pretty plain when they are young and just get better as they age - more bone and breed type.

Last updated on 11/14/2010
Owner: James Epley
"We can't believe how smart he is, he can already sit, shake (paw), speak, crawl and even though he is still little, he is able to use the ramp next to our bed and can open the doggie door to the back yard by himself."

Ready for your Baggins Puppy? Call Linda at 817-829-2454

©2010 Baggins Shar-Pei Kennel, Arlington, TX